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Advertize with Citiclassifieds.com

Citiclassifieds.com your online ad search ends here and everything else begins. Traffic to our site is increasing every day and our pages are 99.99% indexed and holding positions on Google result pages for classifieds related keywords. Advertising with citiclassifieds.com is an affordable way to have your product seen by this niche market. The following advertising options are available on our website:

Featured Ad Listing

Featured Resources Text Ads are located on the main page and consist of a text link and small description of about 60 - 70 characters. The price for this kind of advertising is $600/month.

Ad Listing In Categories

You may also consider the opportunity to advertise your site in Related Resources section of for sale, jobs or category of your interest. The price for the link in a certain category on Web Design Library is $60 - $250/month. It depends on the topic of the category and number of the listed materials in it. You can choose the category that is the most relevant to your site. The link is displayed on every article of the category, as well as on all materials' lists. However, if you are interested in the link placement in several categories of our site - we offer considerable discount as for a 'bulk ads'.

Brand Promotion (Banner Listing In Categories)

Let our visitors and regular members know and recognize your brand. We can place a static 160X100 pxs banner promoting your products or services in any category for $70 - $600/month.

Custom Ad Deals

We are always open to all sort of proposals and we'll be glad to find the best solution for your company, so don't hesitate to share your ideas with us and we are sure to find the most reciprocal solution. To discuss advertising your product or service on citiclassifieds.com, please use the contact us form.

We look forward to working with you and thank you for your interest.