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About Us

Welcome to Citiclassifieds.com - It's free to join & post Ad’

Citiclassifieds.com is your local classifieds search end here. We are like your local newspaper classifieds, but with more text, free photo, and long-running ads. We focus on privacy, security, speed, and ease-of-use. Our goal is simple: give your ad maximum internet exposure and help you find the right customer. No credit cards required. Everything’s free for our users, since citiclassifieds.com is supported by our advertisers.

Buy or Sell your Services or Items

Find a Location and category of your choice, and find the "Post An Ad" button right up top and give it a shot. There's something in the closet you've been meaning to get rid of that you can have online in minutes, and sold within hours, and your ad is absolutely free to post (with a few exceptions). If you're looking for that extra edge on your competition, put up pictures to go along with the text to make your ad stand out from the rest.

Who Are We

Citiclassifieds.com is operated out of offices in New York and California and India. Our partnerships with local newspapers, alternative newsweeklies and other media outlets in your area allow us to bring new visitors to our site (and to your ad) every day. Our staff works hard to make sure the site is as user-friendly as possible, fighting spam with a vengeance, and developing new features for the site. Find something you're interested in. Have fun!


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